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Your All-Access Solution to Learn Multiple Medical Procedures

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Empire On-Demand™ Workshops

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43+ Courses

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Eligible for Course Credit*

May apply On-Demand Membership purchase credit towards in-person membership (live in-person training). Same applies for single on-demand workshop purchase.

Frequently Asked Questions


Who is this course intended for?

This training caters to MDs, DOs, DMDs, DDS, NPs, RNs and other licensed healthcare professionals.


Who teaches your course?

A board-certified physician expert will teach this course, with other licensed healthcare professionals assisting where needed.


Can providers outside of the US attend?

Certainly! For those outside the United States, injections on anatomical models are an option; however, you will not be allowed to inject on a live patient.


Can I inject on a live patient if I’m from another state?

Each state has its own regulations concerning live patient injections. Kindly consult your licensing board to determine if you’re permitted to administer injections.